GORD and dyspepsia

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Dyspepsia and GORD in adults NICE 2015
Black, C.J., Paine, P.A., Agrawal, A., Aziz, I., Eugenicos, M.P., Houghton, L.A., Hungin, P., Overshott, R., Vasant, D.H., Rudd, S. and Winning, R.C., 2022. British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the management of functional dyspepsia. Gut, 71(9), pp.1697-1723.
PHE (Public Health England), 2017 Test and treat for H.Pylori in dyspepsia, available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/helicobacter-pylori-diagnosis-and-treatment