The stomach and endoscopy essentials

The stomach and endoscopy essentials

Joensuu, H., Hohenberger, P. and Corless, C.L., 2013. Gastrointestinal stromal tumour. The Lancet, 382(9896), pp.973-983.

Banks, M., Graham, D., Jansen, M., Gotoda, T., Coda, S., Di Pietro, M., Uedo, N., Bhandari, P., Pritchard, D.M., Kuipers, E.J. and Rodriguez-Justo, M., 2019. British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of patients at risk of gastric adenocarcinoma. Gut, 68(9), pp.1545-1575.

NICE 2015, Suspected cancer: recognition and referral, available at

NICE 2016 Clinical guideline 141: Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in over 16s [Online] Available at

Veitch, A.M., Vanbiervliet, G., Gershlick, A.H., Boustiere, C., Baglin, T.P., Smith, L.A., Radaelli, F., Knight, E., Gralnek, I.M., Hassan, C. and Dumonceau, J.M., 2016. Endoscopy in patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, including direct oral anticoagulants: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) guidelines. Endoscopy48(04), pp.385-402.

Beg, S., Ragunath, K., Wyman, A., Banks, M., Trudgill, N., Pritchard, M.D., Riley, S., Anderson, J., Griffiths, H., Bhandari, P. and Kaye, P., 2017. Quality standards in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a position statement of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS). Gut66(11), pp.1886-1899.

Veitch, A.M., Radaelli, F., Alikhan, R., Dumonceau, J.M., Eaton, D., Jerrome, J., Lester, W., Nylander, D., Thoufeeq, M., Vanbiervliet, G. and Wilkinson, J.R., 2021. Endoscopy in patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) guideline update. Endoscopy53(09), pp.947-969.

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