
PCSG Symposium at the British Society for Gastroenterology 2017

The PCSG will be presenting a symposium at the British Society for Gastroenterology Annual Meeting 2017, to be held in Manchester from 19th – 22nd June.

The programme will focus on the role of primary care in gastroenterology, and the programme is as follows:

8.45-9.05: John Galloway: Increasing Capacity through open access endoscopy service in Primary Care
9.05-9.25: Alex Di Mambro: Primary and Secondary Care Collaboration: The pathway to a better GI Service
9.25-9.50: Dan Lasserson: Ambulatory Care: The ‘at home in hospital’ model
9.50-10.15: Ian Allwood: Commissioning and New Models of Care

For more information, or to register, please visit the BSG 2017 website.



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