
Something to chew over – vote for your Digest favourites

As The Digest continues to blaze a trail for the PCSG, thanks to its winning blend of cutting edge science, thought provoking commentary and occasional brush with controversy, all courtesy of our top notch contributors, we’re proud to announce that ( has selected two pieces from the latest issue to pilot on its website.

The pieces, ‘Biomedical engineer or people whisperer?’ by Digest Editor-in-Chief Dr Richard Stevens and ‘Alcohol in primary care – what GPs need to know’ by Dr Carsten Grimm will, all being well, be the first of many.

The articles can be viewed here:

Alcohol in primary care:

Biomedical engineer:

To assess the impact of the pieces, readers are being asked to complete a short poll. We’d hope that PCSG members would be supportive and are inviting as many of you as possible to register your feedback.

The process is extremely straightforward. Simply log on to the site, read the pieces and then pass on your views. The better the response, the more likely the site is to use additional contributions from the PCSG in the future, something that can only help to raise its profile amongst the scientific community, new members and potential sponsors.

Log on now and help put the PCSG – and the Digest – even more firmly on the map.

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