NON PCSG EVENT: Gastroenterology Update for Primary Care

NON PCSG EVENT: Gastroenterology Update for Primary Care

Event Details

Gastroenterology Update for Primary Care

12th October 2016

Centre for Professional Development, University of Birmingham

Course summary

This one day course will benefit any healthcare professional regularly managing patients with irritable bowel, inflammatory bowel and upper gastrointestinal diseases, such as GPs, specialist nurses, practice nurses and junior doctors. It aims to cover how to diagnose and manage IBD, IBS and reflux through a combination of lectures and small group work. Lectures will also include managing exacerbations and diagnostic dilemmas, such as overlaps.

Learning Objectives

  • Differentiating irritable bowel from organic causes
  • Modern management of inflammatory bowel disease
  • The essentials of upper GI disease
  • Upper and lower GI alarm symptoms
  • Improved understanding of when to refer to gastroenterology specialists


Dr Neeraj Bhala, University Hospitals Birmingham
Dr Emmanuel, University College London Hospitals

Course Details

One Day

Centre for Professional Development, Medical School,
University of Birmingham

£150 per person
£75 for GP trainees

How to apply
Register for this course with a credit/debit card at the University online shop. Alternatively complete Email Course Registration Form-GI‘ form and return to Grace (address below)

For more information about this course please contact Grace Nikobari:
Tel: 0121 414 3281

Fees will be refunded on a sliding scale as follows: within 2 weeks prior to course date 25% refunded; 2-4 weeks prior to course date 50% refunded, 4-6 weeks prior to course date 75%; 6 weeks plus 100% refund. It may be possible to transfer your reserved place to another available date when 6 weeks or more notice is provided, transfers with less than 6 weeks before date of course are subject to administration fees.
Please note that some of our courses are subject to bench fees. Please enquire for further details.

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