Food Bolus and Dysphagia Survey

PCSG Research Network

Project Info

Client Royal London Hospital

Project Description

Help the PCSG Research Network improve gut health for everyone by participating this short survey on food bolus obstruction and dysphagia in young adults.

With an increasing number of patients (primarily young men) being admitted to A & E for food bolus obstruction, gastroenterologist Dr Phil Woodland, of the Royal London Hospital is carrying out a survey of GPs to try and determine how this group of patients is currently managed.

“Ten years ago, we saw a food bolus admission perhaps once a year in a hospital A & E,” says Dr Woodland, who has a special interest in upper GI. “Today we are seeing around one a month. It is worth noting that by the time the patient reached us he (it is usually a male) has almost certainly been suffering from symptoms of dysphagia for many months, if not years.
“There are many possible reasons for this. Young men are notorious for not going to see the doctor unless it is an emergency. An issue with swallowing may not be as noticeable as other conditions. Or there could be a variation in the knowledge of the causes of dysphagia which may lead to misdiagnosis.”

The short survey asks the GP to provide information on rate of incidence of food bolus obstruction or swallowing difficulties in young adults at their surgery, and how they would diagnose, assess and then treat or refer the condition.

We are keen to understand the current situation around dysphagia in primary care in thenUK so that we can help develop appropriate pathways.

‘We would be delighted if you could complete a two-minute online questionnaire about your practice. The are no right or wrong answers, we just wish to establish current practice. Your participation is greatly appreciated.’

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